Saturday, August 7, 2010

AdSense for feeds

AdSense for Feeds is a feature provided by Google. These ads work just like other AdSense ads.
It allows web publishers to earn money by placing AdSense ads within the feed to appear in the reader of your subscribers.
The process is fairly simple and is accomplished within the administration panel of your AdSense account.
Adsense for Feeds simply places targeted Google ads in your RSS feeds. Like other Google Adsense ads, you earn from the feed ads by click or by impression.
The feeds are in the form of articles, headlines or summaries.
These content formats allow the users to easily access the content from several publishers (content owners) at one place. This is achieved through feed aggregators like Bloglines etc. Again, Google uses its technology to determine what advertisements would be contextually suited for a particular feed.

You get paid as the publisher of original content and hence make easy money. As for the readers, they as such get a rich experience because they can see the relevant advertisements with the content that they are interested in.
Moreover, they can also choose the feeds that they want. Users can click the advertisements to visit the advertisers website and check if their products and/ or services are of any use to them.

Of course, the Advertisers benefit too. They get targeted advertising which means only the really interested people get to know about their products and services (and hence there are more chances of a better conversion rate for sales).